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La semaine du Golfe - Morbihan

Embark and sail!

Are you an individual?

Businesses, associations, organizations, works councils, come aboard the “Semaine du Golfe” and bring your customers, suppliers and employees to the heart of the maritime event aboard exceptional boats.

The “Semaine du Golfe du Morbihan” welcomes a fleet of beautiful French and European heritage yachts. These boats are licensed for commercial use, providing the means for their survival and upkeep.

The organization's sole motivation is to bring these magnificent yachts to the Golfe du Morbihan, thus enriching the nautical spectacle and the interest of the event, but it is also a way of associating local and regional economic circles with the great pre-season event in Morbihan.

By chartering a heritage sailboat, you :

  • Create original and effective public relations operations (invitations to customers, suppliers, staff, sales force, journalists...).
  • Facilitate the presence of beautiful boats at the event, enhancing the fleet's image.
  • Support our maritime heritage.
  • Associate your business with a highly attractive maritime image.

In 2023, the involvement of companies enabled the participation of more than 30 exceptional boats, ensuring more than 10 days of chartering. More than 6,000 people embarked.

The Semaine du Golfe organization has selected a list of exceptional yachts. These boats can accommodate from 12 to 120 passengers, depending on their size and credentials.

All prices are given as an indication, exclusive of tax or net of VAT. 


From 120 to 90 passengers at sea

Stoomship - 40.50M overall


Former hydrographic steamer built in 1910, converted into a yacht for the Dutch royal family. Its surprising silhouette evokes the maritime adventures of Tintin. This ship will be a sensation for your receptions in the port of Vannes.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 90 passengers - alongside: 90
Price: day: €9,400
Contact: annemorice@semainedugolfe.com - www.hydrograaf.nl



Brick - 48M overall


Built in Scheveningen in 1919, the Morgenster (Etoile du Matin) was a fishing lugger, first powered by sail, then by motor after 1928. She gave up conventional fishing in 1970 for sport fishing. In 1993, she was bought by Harry Muter and became a training ship.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 90 passengers - alongside: 90
Price: day: €9,400 - grand parade: €10,500 
Contact : annemorice@semainedugolfe.com - www.zeilbrik.org

3-masted frigate - 47M overall


Now the flagship of ETOILE MARINE, the former “Grand Turk” is a reproduction of a frigate built for the cinema, and the central character of a British TV series: “Hornblower”. We imagine her as an 18th-century Malvinas privateer frigate.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 120 passengers
Price: contact the shipping line
Contact: lbeucher@etoile-marine.com - www.etoile-marine.com



Three-masted barque - 47M overall


Known as the Kaskelot, built in 1948 for the Royal Greenland Trading Company, she supplied trading posts and fisheries in East Greenland and the Feroes. Reconditioned in the 1980s, she made a career in the cinema. Since 2018, she has sailed under the French flag.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 102 passengers
Price: day: €10,000 - grand parade: €12,000 
Contact: emmanuel@lefrancais.info - www.lefrancais.info


From 55 to 32 passengers at sea


Brick - 34M overall


The Phoenix, a 34m sailing yacht built in Denmark in 1929, was first used for evangelical missions, then for freight transport. After a change of ownership, she was converted into a film platform. Her home port is Port Haliguen.

Boarding capacity: 55 passengers
Price: contact the shipping line : 
Dockside events on Saturday 31st and Sunday 1st : annemorice@semainedugolfe.com 


Pailebot- 34M overall


Built in 1917, this 35-meter long pailebot was dedicated to the export of fruit, salt and other goods to Mediterranean ports and anchorages, as well as to the North and West coasts of Africa. Since 1999, it has been attached to the town of Torrevieja, Spain.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 38 passengers
Price: day: €4,800 - grand parade: €5,900
Contact : annemorice@semainedugolfe.comwww.pascualflores.org

Dundee Thonier - 32M overall


Built in 1917, this 35-meter long pailebot was dedicated to the export of fruit, salt and other goods to Mediterranean ports and anchorages, as well as to the North and West coasts of Africa. Since 1999, it has been attached to the town of Torrevieja, Spain.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 36 passengers
Price: day: €5,800 - grand parade: €6,250 
Contact : contact@voilestraditions.frwww.voilestraditions.fr



Schooner Aviso - 42M overall


The schooner from Brest is a replica of an aviso, a 19th century military vessel originally designed to transmit urgent mail or notices. These functions were later extended to the surveillance and protection of trade on the coasts of Africa and the West Indies.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 32 passengers
Price: contact the shipping line
Contact : marc.rohou@larecouvrance.comwww.larecouvrance.com


From 29 to 25 passengers at sea


Dundee Thonier - 32M overall


The last duna sailing tuna boat in the Atlantic, the Biche was built in Les Sables d'Olonne in 1934 for skipper Ange Stéphan de l'Ile de Groix, nicknamed “Ange-Biche”. It now belongs to the association “Les Amis du Biche”.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 29 passengers
Price: day: €3,900 - grand parade: €5,500


Dundee thonier -35M overall


Etoile Molène was built at the Tertu shipyard in Camareten in 1954. She alternates between tuna fishing in the Bay of Biscay and trawling in Ireland. Fully restored, Etoile Molène raced in the 1994 Route du Rhum with Bob Escoffier at the helm.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 28 passengers 
Price: contact the shipping line
Contact : lbeucher@etoile-marine.com - www.etoile-marine.com


Gabare de l'Iroise - 25M overall


Launched in 1936 in Camaret, the gabare André Yvette was armed until 1964 to transport materials and maerl in the Iroise Sea, then to supply the islands of Molène, Ouessant and Sein from Brest until 1976.

Boarding capacity : at sea: 28 passengers
Price: contact the shipping line
Contact lbeucher@etoile-marine.com - www.etoile-marine.com


Cabare - 21.70M overall


A historic monument, this Camaret-built gabare initially transported wood and wine between Algeria and Port Vendres, onions to England and salt from Noirmoutier, before specializing in “sand fishing”.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 27 passengers
Price: day: €2,550 - grand parade: €2,900
Contact : contact@antest.net www.antest.net

Lougre chasse-marée - 32M overall


The lugger Corentin is a replica drawn from the plans of the Aimable Irma of 1840, which was part of the fleet of coasters of the 19th century, serving the coast and seaports and rias, from Brest to Bayonne, Bilbao to Bergen.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 27 passengers - alongside: 50 passagers
Price: day: €2,083  - grand parade: €2,500
Contact lelougre.corentin@orange.fr - www.lougredelodet.bzh


Classic yacht - 28M overall


Built in Germany in 1916 at the famous Abbeking & Rasmussen yard, this superb ketch celebrated its 100th birthday in 2016.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 25 passengers 
Price: day: €2,000 - grand parade: €2,500 
Contact arthur@skeaf.orgwww.skeaf.org

Dundee -24M overall


Granville's last classic fishing trawler, built in 1968, the Charles Marie is a survivor of the fleet retirement plans. At the end of the 90s, she underwent a transformation that led her to a second life as a traditional charter sailboat in 2000.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 25 passengers
Price: day: €2,250 - night: €1,000 - grand parade: €2,875
Contact : lucie.carandante@espritgrandlarge.comwww.charles-marie.fr


From 18 to 12 passagers at sea


Horn cutter - 17M overall


Launched in 1992, the Dahl-Mad (from the Breton “Tiens bon”) represents the town of Landerneau. After 28 years of traditional sailing, the Dahl-Mad was restored by the Chantier du Guip in Brest in 2012.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 18 passengers
Price: day: €1,620 - grand parade: contact the shipping line
Contact : lochmonna@gmail.com 


Classic yacht - 24M hors-tout


Auric Yawl built at Chantier Barriere d'Arcachon for a German prince, launched in 1914, she was quickly seized by the French government when it entered the war with Germany. It was sold as war damage at the end of the conflict.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 18 passengers
Price: day: €2,333 - grand parade: €2,667
Contact : yoann@lys-noir.org - www.lys-noir.org

Ketch aurique- 22M overall


The Krog e Barz is a traditional Breton sailing ship, inspired by the old lobster boats of the 19th century. Built of wood, it still takes part in Breton maritime gatherings.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 18 passengers
Price: day: €1,417 - evening: €825
Contact : krogebarz@orange.fr - www.krog-e-barz.com



Cotre - 21M overall


Built in 1906, this Scottish fishing boat transported herring to Ireland before becoming a courier between the Connemara islands. Considered too old for this task, she was renovated and is now an adopted Breton. Operated by the Leenan Head association.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 16 passengers
Price: day: €1,800 - grand parade: contact the shipping line
Contact : leenanhead56@gmail.com - www.leenanhead56.com


Sloop - 10.90M overall


Launched in 1997, Loch Monna is a wooden sloop designed for sailing. After several years of service, she requires restoration to preserve her structure. The work is being carried out by local craftsmen, highlighting the region's maritime know-how.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 14 passengers
Price: day: €1,260 - grand parade: contact the shipping line
Contact : lochmonna@gmail.comwww.lochmonna.fr


Ketch - 15.50M overall


La Boréale is an old sailing ship that will celebrate its 104th birthday in 2024. Built in 1920 in Denmark, this typical Nordic boat fished for herring in the Baltic Sea. Today, the Boréale offers sea trips in the Golfe du Morbihan.

Boarding capacity: at sea: 12 passengers
Price: day: €850 - grand parade: €1,200 
Contact : les.voiles.oceane@gmail.comwww.les-voiles-oceane.com


Lougre - 33M overall


A replica of a lugger built in 1776 in Cawsand, she was used by smugglers and coastguards. Armed by tax collector John Knill, it was also used as a privateer. The replica, built in 2011 at the “Voyager” shipyard in Millbrook, features two 19th-century cannons. She is now working on a sailing vessel.

Boarding capacity : at sea: 12 passengers
Priceday: €2,000 - grand parade: €2,500 

Contact : filemon.darbois@laposte.net - www.grayhoundventures.com


The “Semaine du Golfe” charter system is completely free and open, and agreements are made directly: you will sign the charter contract with the company or association that manages the activity of the chosen yacht. However, as we know the fleet well, we can help you make the right choice according to your needs and means.

Contact : maritime@semainedugolfe.com

  • Déjeuner à bord de la Nébuleuse
  • La Recouvrance


A "typical day" on board ... depending on the tides...

8h00 Catering delivery
9h00 Gathering of guests at the meeting point.
Embarkation of guests, coffee. Once on board, they have a front-row seat to watch the different flotillas leave their ports of call, each setting course for the day's program.
09h30-10h00 Seeting sail
10h00-17h00 Sailing in the Gulf and Bay of Quiberon among the criss-crossing flotillas against the backdrop of the superb scenery of the Gulf and Bay. For those who wish, it's usually possible to learn how to handle these special rigs.
12h30-14h00 Lunch at sea or at anchor.
17h30 Return accompanied by hundreds of participating boats to their evening port of call.
18h00 Passenger disembarkation.

This sequence is given as an example, and the organization of your operation will of course depend on your objectives and in consultation with the armament.

They support us

Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Agglomération
Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique
Ville de Vannes
Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan
Crédit Agricole du Morbihan
Région Bretagne
Morbihan Tourisme

Breizh Cola
Leroy Merlin

Ici TV Radio Digital
Le Télégramme
Ouest France
Paysages de Mégalithes
Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme
PNR Golfe du Morbihan

Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20

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