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La semaine du Golfe - Morbihan


The Semaine du Golfe is an emblematic European event for heritage sailing yachts, offering some 1200 traditional and classic boats the unique opportunity to sail in harmony in the Gulf of Morbihan.

Organized into 13 separate flotillas, each identified by a specific flag, the crews sail from port to port, following the winds and currents under the direction of their captains. 

SAILING-ROWING - Flotilla A (formerly 2)

Voile aviron dans le Golfe

In response to a new form of “pleasure boating”, small boats that can be sailed or rowed have been appearing on our coasts for the past thirty years: family-friendly, quickly rigged and easy to launch, these canoes are ideal for relaxed cruising and discovering little-visited places. Inspired by American and European dories, Norwegian faerings, Shetland boats and Breton misainiers, designers have created new types, all easily transportable: Seil, Aber, Aven, Ilur, Doryplume, Moorskoul... Doris, Canots au Tiers and all the small flat-bottomed sailboats from 3 to 5 m that can also be rowed.


YAWLS - Flotilla B (formerly 1)

The chaloupes, yoles and other “gigs”, which first appeared in the 18th century, were originally service boats for ships at anchor, or were used for piloting, rescue or fishing. These boats, which have been enjoying a renaissance over the past twenty years thanks to replicas and new models, are used to teach young crews about the sea. This flotilla includes: Yoles de Bantry, Yoles de Ness, Yoles Morbihan, Yoles de l'Odet, Yoles d'Aboville, whaling boats and also Gigs from the United Kingdom, Cornwall and Scilly. Mainly powered by oars, they can also be powered by sails. 


WORKING SAILBOATS - Flotilla C (formerly 6)

photo Berland

Old fishing boats, but also coasters, pilots and buoy tenders, restored or rebuilt to their original condition. Alongside the Sinagos and Forbans du Bono, emblematic of the Golfe du Morbihan, you'll find luggers and tidal chasers, mizainiers and third-rowers, sloups, cutters and auric dundees... From Baltic herring boats to Bristol Pilots, traditional working sailboats from the British Isles and Nordic countries are also represented.


SMALL TRADITIONAL YACHTS "non-decked boats" - Flotilla D (formerly 3)

Photo Pascale Guittoneau

Designed directly by shipyards or architects still steeped in traditional wooden construction, this flotilla reflects the era when local pleasure boating coexisted with the last coastal fishing boats. It includes: canots au tiers, misainiers, barques latines - Dériveurs anciens marconis ou houaris - Olonnois, day-boats, and other small open sailboats of 5 - 6m (without cabin).

SMALL TRADITIONAL YACHTS "decked touring boats - Flotilla E (formerly 3bis)

Photo Pascale Guittoneau

Today's light-displacement boats with cabins, bunks and storage, designed for coastal touring, offering shelter and sleeping on board for at least two crew members: Skellig, Drascombe Drifter & Coaster, Cornish Shrimper, Swallow Boat, Bayraider...

YACHTS FROM THE 60s AND 70s - Flotilla F (formerly 5)

La plaisance des années 60, photo Catherine Lozach

In the 1960s, yachtsmen on a modest budget gained access to the pleasures of sailing thanks to new series of boats that were not only more affordable, but also seaworthy, safe and livable. Thus, it was aboard Corsaires, Muscadets and Cognacs, designed by the genius of architects such as Herbulot and Harlé, that many of today's yachtsmen got their first taste of sailing: Muscadet, Armagnac, Cognac, Cabernet, Sauvignon, Mousquetaire, Tiburon...

CHEETAHS & GAZELLES - Flotilla G (new flotilla)

Photo Pascale Guittoneau

Built from “real” oak, the Guépard, or Plate du Golfe, has become the emblematic small sailboat of the Golfe du Morbihan. The Gazelle is much more recent, built in polyester. 

SMALL CLASSIC BOATS "non-decked boats" - Flotilla H (formerly 7)

All small classic open yachts under 8 meters, which sometimes race. Morgann, Tofinou, Billie Charlotte, Berny Cat, Cormorans, Ailes as well as the classic dinghy series, Flying Dutchman, Loups, Snipe, Caneton and 505... and also classic European series such as Schouw, Vrijheid, Valk in the Netherlands, Water Wags in Ireland or Loch Long One Design in Scotland.

SMALL CLASSIC BOATS "habitable boats" - Flotilla I (formerly 7bis)

Sailboats under 8 meters, with a cabin for storing sails or sleeping, such as Belougas, Corsaires, Loctudy, Folkboats, DC20, Micro-Challenger, and all small classic sailboats that prefer open courses. 

CLASSIC YACHTS OVER 8 M - Flotilla J (formerly 4)

Photo Pascale Guittoneau

Beautiful yachts with slender, sleek lines and perfect finishes, often with bronze fittings and gleaming varnish. Designed for racing or cruising, some built nearly a century ago, most of these yachts are perfectly maintained and maintain a certain art of living, like Viola or Pesa. Classic Auriques or Marconi yachts, international class yachts, old one-design regatta keelboats, R.O.R.C. cruisers.

CLASSIC MOTORBOATS - Flotilla K (formerly 8)

Classic yachting” isn't just about sailing: there's also a fine motorized fleet, combining elegant hulls and mechanical ingenuity! We think of the speedboats of the Riviera or Lake Como in the days of “Dolce Vita”, as well as the pretty strollers of the Thames or the Seine in the days of the guinguettes: Vedettes anciennes, Rivas, steam yachts, cabin-cruisers, runabouts, Chris-Craft and other motorboats...


DRAGON BOATS - PINK LADIES - Flotilla L (formerly 13)

Since 2013, these crews of valiant and cheerful rowers have been making their presence felt far beyond Brittany.


Professional boats, authorized to carry paying passengers. Antique or replica ships, tall ships, workboats... Morgenster, Hydrograaf, Phoenix, Pascual Flores, Recouvrance, Le Français ....


They support us

Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Agglomération
Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique
Ville de Vannes
Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan
Crédit Agricole du Morbihan
Région Bretagne
Morbihan Tourisme

La Belle Iloise
Breizh Cola
Leroy Merlin
Lexus / Toyota (Groupe Cobredia)

Super U Arradon
Ici TV Radio Digital
Le Télégramme
Ouest France
Paysages de Mégalithes
Golfe du Morbihan Vannes Tourisme
PNR Golfe du Morbihan

Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20

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