Just a few minutes boat ride from Port Blanc, Les Moines Island is the pearl of the Morbihan (and the largest of its islands) and boasts a rich maritime past. Several remarkable megaliths which subsist today indicate that the island was inhabited in prehistoric times. More recently, generations of sailors, commanders and ship owners have been the principal source of the island's wealth. Yachting enthusiasts adore its abundance of charming anchorages and tourists love its pretty fishermen's cottages, its beautiful belle epoque villas, winding coastal paths, bird-watching woodlands...
Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20
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