Sail number: 6
Year of construction: 1984, Shipyard: Van der Werff – Workum, Studbook number: 1487, Client: NJHC Heeg
Length: 5.00, Width: 1.70
Another new tjotter for the sailing school of the youth hostel. Together with the 'Wearlamke' and 'Hoannemosk', the 'Wink' was removed and replaced after 25 years of service. The new owner of the first Wink from 1959 was W. Damingh, shipbuilder in Hasselt (Ov). In 1995 she came into the possession of Dr. F.L. van Muiswinkel in Breukeleveen. It is a simple 1-gang boat with an open front cockpit; the buoy was later raised with a sideboard. Carving was also added later.
Wink II was personally delivered to It Beaken in Heeg by builder Roelof van der Werff in 1984. Roelof has provided the spider hole with a lock; behind it is a holder in which a bottle of Beerenburg can lie and next to which two fûgels can stand, glasses without feet. The Wink II is a wonderfully spacious and stable tjotter.
Sailing characteristics: The Wink is also a relatively wide tjotter, but one with competition aspirations. A fast boat.