A great week of sailing and festivities, for crews and visitors alike!
On Monday, the fleets will be welcomed at the Opening Ceremony: from the Port-Navalo lighthouse, the starting gun will be fired in the middle of the afternoon. All the boats present will gather with the Tall Ships flotilla off Méaban, then take the Grand Chenal to escort them as they enter the Gulf.
The ever-popular ‘Arz Island Day’ will bring together dozens and dozens of boats docking on the island in the late morning. Hundreds of crews, as well as well-informed visitors, will enjoy a large picnic in the wooded field overlooking the slipways and the beach. They will also share a festive moment with the local community to the rhythm of sea chanteys, Breton dances and Dutch musicians.
Flotilla sailing begins, with a programme adapted to the specific characteristics of each boat. Sculling contests, challenges, a tour of the Île-aux-Moines and the Passage du Gué will set the pace for these moments at sea!
On Ascension Thursday, some fleets will be sailing towards the Houat and Hoëdic archipelago. Some boats will be able to stop at Houat for the evening and night.
Evenings in the various flotilla ports of call.
In the middle of the day, taking advantage of the ebb tide, the boats converge on the exit from the Gulf and position themselves off Les Méabans. When the current reversal is well established, at around 17:00, they enter the Narrows between Locmariaquer and Port-Navalo. Reserved exclusively for boats entered in the ‘Semaine du Golfe’, the parade fleet is organised into four groups, each flanked by two spectacular sailing boats: one leading the way to guide the smaller boats, the other closing the way.
Semaine du Golfe 2025 - PIBS, 10 rue Henri Becquerel, Bâtiment IRUS - 56000 VANNES - FRANCE
contact@semainedugolfe.com - Tél : +33(0)2 21 02 56 20
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